image credit: Woods Wheatcroft for KAVU
We met Remi through a friend (Kay) a brand (Aether), on set at a photo shoot. Kay and Remi connected as avid Mohinders-wearers, and Kay introduced us to Remi: a very stylish renaissance man who travels the world—and is known to jump on a plane with a pair of Woven Slides as the only shoe in his suitcase.
When he got in touch, Remi said he “felt the need to express my praise for the shoes. Got one for every occasion, I even skate and hike in them.” We had to know more, and luckily have gotten the chance to meet up at several of our popups, festivals and events.
When he's not hopping on planes or rambling as a full time van-lifer, Remi works as a top-tier model — while his work is way out of our league, you might recognize him (or his feet), as he was kind enough to grace one of our photo shoots last year.
More from Remi, below!
What’s the most memorable place you’ve taken your Mohinders?
Since my first pair, it’s been the only pair of shoes I wear. I recently finally had to get running shoes, but I take my Mohinders everywhere. With that said, so many places to pick from, although I remember when I wore them to Nigeria, I got so many comments :) Japan and Vietnam was also a memorable trip with them.
You’ve roamed the world in your Mohinders. Have you ever done something totally impractical in them? How’d it go?
Until I got my 2nd or 3rd pair, my first pair was what I wore to all occasions :) It often felt impractical, but I just sacrifice for the look and comfort. I remember in Phong Nha, Vietnam I took them hiking on a cave tour.
Have you ever dressed up (for a wedding or formal event) in Mohinders? How’d you style them?
Yes, I bought a pair of the solid leather slide especially for a wedding. I wore all-white: linen shirt and trousers, and my Mohinders. I now wear those casually, and save my Iron-dyed woven leather slide for special occasions. Last wedding I wore it to, I wore them with an all-blue silk shirt and trousers.
Ever hopped on a plane somewhere remote, with Mohinders as the only pair of shoes in your suitcase?
All the time :)
What initially drew you to Mohinders heirloom, woven leather slide style?
For as long as I can remember, my dad has only worn custom-made dress slides from Nigeria. I always wanted something similar, but had a hard time finding a pair to my taste. I shared this with several people over the years. Eventually a good friend shared with me that I should look into a pair of Mohinders.
image credit: @riverjordanphoto
You could be described as a nomadic van dweller, whose home base is in Los Angeles. What’s the strangest place you’ve ever slept in your van?
I took a quick trip from LA to Anza Borrego once. While exploring, I decided to drive through some orange groves and got lost, but that eventually led me to an empty horse camp ground in the middle of the desert.
What’s your favorite vanlife breakfast?
I love to drive into a town and seek out the best bakery, park next to it at night so I can wake up and walk right in for fresh croissants and espresso :)
Favorite Mohinders style: woven or solid? Natural leather or colorways?
I change my mind all the time, at the moment the natural solid slide is what I find most versatile.
image credit: Mike Courtney + @riverjordanphoto